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John Kachelman Jr.

John Kachelman Jr. has worked with congregations in Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee and continues to speak regularly at various congregations, lectureships and gospel meetings. He is a graduate (‘76) of Freed-Hardeman University and has written several books, lesson series, and articles for religious publications.

Since 1994, John has worked closely with evangelism in Ukraine. His many trips have helped establish congregations and provide continued teaching for spiritual growth. He has also helped coordinate efforts to provide humanitarian aid distributed through local congregations in Ukraine and other countries around the world. As a point-man in helping coordinate these humanitarian shipments to other countries, he works to collect donated items and ship them to faithful congregations in the receiving countries. He works to insure that all benevolent aid is distributed by local Christians and the Lord’s Church receives credit for the good accomplished.

John is married to the former Jennifer Davenport and has four children Brian, John III, Rachel and Rebekah. John and Jennifer live in Montgomery, AL where his mission work is overseen by the Dalraida church of Christ.

Books Of John Kachelman Jr.


Studies in Colossians

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Unfolding Metaphors

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