About Us

LightWay Publishing

LightWay Publishing is a  Christian publishing company that emerged from the legacy of Kachelman Publications, a stalwart in the industry since 2003. With a fresh vision and a passion for spreading the gospel, LightWay specializes in producing a rich tapestry of materials, ranging from traditional printed books to cutting-edge eBooks, all designed to deepen one’s faith and understanding of the Bible.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every publication, each meticulously crafted to offer readers profound insights, spiritual guidance, and an unwavering connection to their faith.

LightWay Media

LightWay Publishing is a division of LightWay Media, a Christian multimedia company that seeks to provide various resources to those seeking spiritual food for their life. LightWay Media has multiple different ways that it can bring resources to you…including some that are free!

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