Studies in Revelation


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A series of 13 expository lessons from the text of the Book of Revelation and 13 Special Topical Studies arising from a study of the Book of Revelation.

Table of Contents

Expositions of the Text:

  1. Introduction to the book of Revelation
  2. “Weary days and dreary nights” (1:1-20)
  3. Capitulation Sought and Stymied, #1 (2:1-29)
  4. Capitulation Sought and Stymied, #2 (3:1-22)
  5. Guarantees of the Throne Room (4:1-5:14)
  6. The White Horseman Rides! (6:1-7:17)
  7. Stay Tuned for Urgent Announcements! (8:1-11:19)
  8. The Heat of the Battle (12:1-14:20)
  9. Treasures of Wrath! (15:1-16:21)
  10. The Verdict Please (17:1-19:21)
  11. “Victory In Jesus!” (20:1-15)
  12. A New City With an Old Name (21:1-22:5)
  13. Epilogue: The Time Is Near! (22:6-21)
  14. Special Studies of Interest

Numerical Symbolism In Revelation

  1. A Glossary Of Symbols In Revelation
  2. The Mark Of The Beast
  3. The 144,000
  4. The Battle Of Armageddon
  5. Five Enemies Of Christ In Revelation
  6. The 1,000 Year Reign In Revelation 20
  7. The “1st Resurrection”
  8. A Discussion Of The Rapture
  9. The New Heavens, New Earth, & New Jerusalem
  10. The Lamb Of God In Revelation
  11. Hell And Heaven In Revelation
  12. Premillennial Doctrine In Revelation

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × 0.5 in


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